IUD Insertion

At Vessalka we have the only Swiss VirtaMed GynoS simulator in Egypt. This allows us to train physicians
on life-like insertion of 4 different intra-uterine contraceptive devices:
– Mirena
– Skyla
– Kyleena
– ParaGard T380
Module description
There are 27 virtual patients for gynecology training including uterine sounding in anteverted or
retroverted uteri, along with nulliparous or parous patient cases, for placement of intra-uterine devices
Learning goals consist of safely sounding a uterus and establishing the correct size as well as the correct
placement of an IUD, with or without visual guidance during the procedure provided by the SimProctor™
SimProctor™ educational guidance Instructions on safe procedure performance are applied to the
anatomical setting, incorporating best practices as defined by an expert panel, helping to learn the main
behavioral rules during the procedure. The trainee is provided with tips and tricks to improve
performance, ghost tools to demonstrate correct behavior, and videos to guide the trainee and various
anatomical views are provided, such as an external and side view to help develop orientation. A patient
comfort meter is provided to practice maintaining the best possible patient experience during the
Learning objectives
– To correctly learn each step of the procedure
– To safely sound different uteri (anteverted, retroverted or nulliparous cases)
– To establish the correct size as well as the correctly place an IUD, with or without visual guidance
during the procedure provided by the SimProctor™ feature.
We hold regular training sessions for our junior staff at Kasr Al Aini.
For external trainees please contact us.